At Blockswap Labs, we take a research approach to make crypto more accessible and safe for mainstream users.
Tech Stacks
1,000,000 +
Lines of Code
Country (Team)
Coming Soon
The AI Crypto Copilot
Imagine simplifying the complexities of the crypto universe with a single conversation. Welcome to the future of crypto for the masses.

RESEARCH in production__
Decentralized Innovation Backed by Formal Methods

Formal Methods
We follow a rigorous security first approach using formal modeling and testing methods end-to-end.

No Oracle - No Multi-Sig
All our protocols and systems are completely free from exogenous intervention and do not use oracles or multi-sigs.

Original Systems
We shipped 37+ products in the last three years. All are built from the ground up with our novel technology stack.

Developer Friendly
We believe in people and collaborative innovation, all our systems are developer focused ensuring a greater impact.
key verticals__
Reinforcing Censorship Resistant Financial Inclusion
Pioneering a Clear, Structured Approach in Smart Contract Development

ETH Staking
A complete set of Ethereum staking tooling on immutable smart contracts.

Transactions & MEV
Credibly neutral infrastructure for secure and privacy first block building.

An composable network for shared trust and computational integrity, backed by ETH.

Autonomous Intents
A breakthrough layer for executing multi-domain intents for any user or application.
Exploring New Frontiers for the Advancement of Humanity
Decentralized Empowerment__
Exploring New Frontiers for the Advancement of Humanity
Truly global
Our research assumes global impact and are built to be permissionless and censorship free.
Mission aligned goals
Compatibility driven collaborations are crucial for inclusive procreation; Our products feature plug-and-play integrations.
Staying agile
Innovation thrives in curiosity. We remain committed further web3 through unique perspectives and collaborative partnerships.
Go Create
Explore Our Range of Blockchain Solutions
Restaking (K2)
Enhance network security and create additional revenue streams with Blockswap's K2 protocol for Economic Restaking.
Witness Endorser
A fast interactive ZK gadget of witness attestation
A modular MEV supply chain client for builder and validator communication
Restaking (K2)
Enhance network security and create additional revenue streams with Blockswap's K2 protocol for Economic Restaking.
Witness Endorser
A fast interactive ZK gadget of witness attestation
A modular MEV supply chain client for builder and validator communication
Intent Layer
Express your intents as a user or smart contract protocol with full protection and get it executed by any off-chain.
Parallel Execution vEVM
EVM Virtual Abstraction layer for intent based applications

A cross-chain intent framework for extending ERC20 - an alternate to bridging.
LSD Network
Application for launching and operating a liquid staking network on Etheruem
A fully automated operating system for Ethereum staking
Consensus layer validator NAV on Ethereum smart contracts
CIP smart contract driven programmable MPC as a service
A benchmark stake yield protocol for DeFi ecosystem to use all LST with ETH redeemable.
An on-chain smart contract suite for in protocol PBS
Proof Relay
A lightweight zk-proof based relay with open auction for Ethereum MEV supply chain
Proof Builder
Only privacy aware block builder that utilizes ZK proofs for MEV bidding
PoN Connect
A PBS interface for MEV Order Flow Auctions (OFA)
Open Relay
Optimistic relay infra with attributable Builder slashing.
Proof Aggregation Gadget
A succint snapshot proof of ZK-validations or a large data set.
RWA ZK Witness Notary
A ZKgadget for selective disclosure attestation from a designated verifier without revealing the data.
MPC Remote Signer
On demand single shot signature service for MEV, AA and intents.
Trainer Proof for ML/AI
An ad-hoc gadget for decentralized ML/AI trainer infrastructure.
MEV resistant block sequencing
zkFraud proof for atomic inclusion with restaked security for Shared sequencers
A Full Power Technological Stack
Registry Based Contracts
Maintain a secure and efficient system of record-keeping
Used By: Stakehouse, Gateway, dCommon, PON PBS, K2MPC as a Service
Smart contract driven multi-party computation for EVM chains
Used By: Stakehouse, LSD Network, PON Connect, Restaking Cloud, Intents LayerTrustless Web3 Router
ZK gadget based on data replication for cross-chain communication
Used By: Stakehouse, Restaking Cloud, LSD Network, GatewayState Replication Gadget
Monitored state replication for off-chain data verification
Used By: Gateway, PON PBS, Restaking Cloud, K2Interactive Validity Proofs
An interactive ZK scheme based on restrictive partially blind signatures
Used By: PON PBS, Restaking CloudPrecision Batch LP Management
A highly customizable pooling contract with range and queue management
Used By: LSD Network, PON PBS, Restaking Cloud, StakefleetBulletin Board Based Intents
Domain based intents for expressive transactional markets
Used By: PON MEV PBS, PON ConnectConsensus Layer ETL
Ethereum consensus validator information for execution smart contracts
Used By: Stakehouse, LSD Network, Restaking CloudCredible Commitment Contracts
A fully automated enforcement of an off-chain credible commitment scheme for validation
Used By: PON PBS, Cloud, PON connectIntent Computer_
Autonomous Intents with Smart Transactions
Intents computer allows for multi-chain programmable smart operations without any bottlenecks of existing blockchain infra.

ZK Witness Layer
A zero knowledge gadget that allows tamperproof attestations with data integrity for any chain.

vEVM for Parallel Execution
An EVM co-processor for concurrently executing contracts on multiple EVM chains.

Cognitive Intents
Apps and users enhance their crypto actions with AI generative scripts.

Subsecond Bridging
Move your assets or custom smart contract transaction logic between multiple chains with instant pre-conformation.
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